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Article: What is alpha lipoic acid and why is it so important?

What is alpha lipoic acid and why is it so important?

Alpha-lipoic acid is considered to be an extremely effective antioxidant. Due to its antioxidant properties, i.e. its ability to bind free radicals, it was considered a vitamin for some time after its discovery. Today we know that alpha-lipoic acid is found in almost all cells in the body and plays an important role in energy production within the mitochondria, i.e. the power plants of the cells. Find out everything you need to know about alpha-lipoic acid here.

Spinach is a plant-based food with a high content of alpha-lipoic acid. Spinach is a plant-based food with a high content of alpha-lipoic acid.

What is Alpha Lipoic Acid?

Alpha-lipoic acid is a sulfur-containing fatty acid whose sulfur atoms are bound in a ring structure. It is also known as thioctic acid and is often abbreviated to LA, for the English lipoic acid or ALA (alpha-lipoic acid). To avoid confusion with alpha-linolenic acid, we will use the abbreviation LA below. In nature, alpha-lipoic acid always occurs in the so-called R configuration (R-alpha-lipoic acid). There is also a mirror-image, synthetic variant in the S configuration (S-alpha-lipoic acid). Like the left and right hand, both variants are identical, but cannot necessarily perform the same functions. Studies have shown that the synthetic S variant is less well absorbed by the body than the R variant. Due to its structure, alpha-lipoic acid is both water- and fat-soluble and is therefore able, like other essential nutrients, to cross the blood-brain barrier.

What function does alpha-lipoic acid have in the body?

Alpha-lipoic acid is mainly found in the mitochondria, which are also known as the power plants of the cells. This is where glucose is converted into energy. In the so-called pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (this is the part of cellular respiration that produces carbon dioxide), LA is directly involved as a coenzyme. LA takes on the role of a strong antioxidant and binds highly reactive oxygen compounds that otherwise appear as free radicals outside of these closed cycles. In addition, LA can reactivate other antioxidants - especially vitamin C, vitamin E, coenzyme Q10 and glutathione - after they have been used up by taking over their bound radicals. This allows these primary antioxidants to be added back to the metabolism instead of being excreted. Due to its special structure, LA is also able to form chelates, which means that LA can absorb certain metal ions in its center. This means that LA can help the body to excrete certain toxins, such as lead, mercury or some fungal toxins.

The structural formula of R-alpha-lipoic acid. The structural formula of R-alpha-lipoic acid.

Which foods contain alpha-lipoic acid

The human body is able to produce LA itself to a certain extent. For people with increased oxidative stress, additional intake through food can be useful. This applies to smokers or athletes, for example, but also people who eat poorly or have an increased risk of developing silent inflammation . Almost all animal cells contain LA, but muscle meat and offal such as liver and kidneys are particularly rich in LA. Spinach, broccoli and tomatoes are also good plant-based sources of LA. Anyone who wants to use dietary supplements to take in LA should make sure that they contain natural R-alpha-lipoic acid. This is sometimes also referred to as L-lipoic acid or +lipoic acid. The terms R/S or +/- lipoic acid indicate a proportion of synthetic alpha-lipoic acid. Bioavailability increases if LA is taken one to two hours before meals. For people with an increased need for vitamin B1, the simultaneous intake of this vitamin is recommended.

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