The Ten Percent Myth: Do We Really Only Use a Small Part of Our Brain?
Albert Einstein supposedly said that people only use 10 percent of their brain. Then it must be true: there is a little genius in each of us! We just have to - well - lure it out. No problem - discover the secret of the greatest thinkers of all time with us and always be one step ahead. We will show you how you can fully utilize the remaining 90 percent of your brain. Do you have doubts? We do too...
A girl solves difficult tasks on a blackboard – a real genius.
Does nature allow itself to waste so much?
Seriously, that's nonsense. Every person with a healthy brain uses it 100 percent. Although the brain only makes up about two percent of the body's mass, it accounts for a good 20 percent of daily energy requirements. Such a waste of energy would have had no chance in evolution: nature does not allow itself to waste on this scale. As the high energy consumption suggests, the brain is actually fully utilized around the clock. Specific areas of the brain are assigned to the various tasks, such as movement, smell, taste and sight. Sensory impressions are constantly collected there and decisions are made as to which of them need to be paid attention to and which not. Emotions are produced and experiences become memories. And then thoughts are formed and beautiful words are created from them.
Where does the ten percent myth come from?
How is it then that this myth is so persistent? Most people will have heard of it before, and quite a few will have asked themselves at least once whether there might not be something to it. It is probably promises such as the one in the introduction to this text that keep rekindling this myth, backed up by a quote from a great mind, preferably Albert Einstein. In recent decades, dozens of popular psychology books and life guides have been advertised and sold in this way. After all, everyone knows what Albert Einstein said... and most people would like to be at least a little as smart as Einstein. But there is no evidence that Einstein actually made the ten percent statement.
The brain uses different regions for different tasks.
Do you even use 10 percent of your biceps?
Nevertheless, this myth works excellently as a sales strategy. The idea is as simple as it is tempting - if 90 percent of the brain capacity is not being used, it should be possible to activate at least a small part of it. The increased abilities of highly gifted people could be explained in this way, and even supernatural phenomena could be explained on it. The brain is an excellent projection surface. Hardly anyone knows how it really works, but it presumably houses the mind and the imagination. Some people can obviously achieve extraordinary feats with it. You just have to learn the trick of using more capacity and you would be capable of similar feats. This also reflects the human tendency to look for shortcuts. A book by an American religious community is also known for being advertised with Albert Einstein and his alleged 10 percent statement. Amazingly, no one has yet come up with the idea of claiming that people only use ten percent of their muscle capacity. Yet competitive athletes are also capable of things that are simply unimaginable for most people.
Why are some people so much more intelligent?
The term muscle capacity may raise some questions. What is that supposed to mean? Where is the hidden strength hidden in the muscles? You either have muscles – and you can usually see them – or you don't have any. But then you can go to the gym and get some. This will give you a certain level of performance, which may happen more quickly for some than others, because everyone is different. It's the same with the brain. Just as an athlete can push his body to peak performance through training and appropriate nutrition, the brain can also be trained and supplied with the nutrients it needs. As with physical performance, this is easier the earlier and more extensively the foundations are laid.
A senior citizen solves a crossword puzzle in the newspaper.
Learning through play: child prodigy William James Sidis
The psychologist William James is also often associated with the creation of the ten percent myth. During his lectures at Harvard University at the end of the 19th century, he is said to have often spoken of the fact that people only use a fraction of their intellectual potential. However, he was criticizing the inadequate support given to children at the time. Boris Sidis, a colleague of William James, raised his son using learning methods that they developed from their joint work. William James Sidis, as the son was named, is said to have had an IQ of 250 to 300 and is considered one of the most intelligent people who ever lived. One of the learning methods that Boris Sidis developed was learning through play. At the time, this idea was revolutionary and did not catch on for a long time. Today we know that learning is easiest when you enjoy it.
Brain training and balanced nutrition
The human brain is always used at 100 percent. However, performance can still be increased by regularly training the brain. The same applies to the brain: if you don't use it, you lose it. We have put together some tips for you here on how to stay mentally fit as you get older. The right diet is not only important for the performance of athletes. Some nutrients play an important role in maintaining normal brain function. These include trace elements such as zinc and magnesium or antioxidants such as B vitamins. Foods that are said to have a particularly positive effect on brain function are often referred to as brain food. You can find out more about this nutritional trend here .